Ima­ge: Suvi Forssén

Raimo Jaatinen


An artist´s sta­te­ment by Rai­mo Jaatinen

My artist´s career has not been any straight line or one path, but rat­her a lin­ka­ge of three dif­fe­rent paths:

1. teac­hing of visual arts in dif­fe­rent schools,

2. wor­king as a bronze cas­ter, and

3. crea­ting my own art  -  sculp­tu­res, drawings, pho­tos,  ins­tal­la­tions etc.

Read the full statement »


Contant info:
tel +358 50 511 3625

Alek­sis Kiven katu 4-8 B 37
00500 Hel­sin­ki


Ait­ta­kal­lion­tie 231, 01860 Perttula

An artist’s statement by Raimo Jaatinen

My artist´s career has not been any straight line or one path, but rat­her a lin­ka­ge of three dif­fe­rent paths:

1. teac­hing of visual arts in dif­fe­rent schools,

2. wor­king as a bronze cas­ter, and

3. crea­ting my own art  -  sculp­tu­res, drawings, pho­tos,  ins­tal­la­tions etc.

I have now more time for the third cate­go­ry, because I alrea­dy draw a pen­sion (since 2013). Befo­re I was all the time so busy with other tasks that I too sel­dom had an oppour­tu­ni­ty to concent­ra­te only on my crea­ti­ve work.

But I don´t regret the past and the other acti­vi­ties in my life. Teac­hing and cas­ting have been an impor­tant source of inco­me for me, and also I feel that the­se acti­vi­ties have impro­ved my capaci­ty as an artist.

Whi­le wor­king as a teac­her I have adop­ted a lot of crea­ti­ve atti­tu­de and skills from my talen­ted stu­dents. Making casts for other artist has impro­ved my tech­nical skills which I have been able to bene­fit in my own art.


My works of art can also be divi­ded in three cate­go­ries. The first one inclu­des almost nai­ve, humo­ris­tic small sculp­tu­res, which can depict for ins­tance hap­py fat ladies or fun­ny animals.

The second line is total­ly dif­fe­rent, because it inclu­des not only sculp­tu­res cast in bronze, but also ins­tal­la­tions and mixed media works, which can com­ment the unjust treat­ment and exploi­ta­tion of indi­vi­duals, war, racism and some other hard subjects.

The third one is the sec­tion of the public works, inclu­ding also some reli­gious sub­jects like sta­tues of angels in cemeteries.

My next exhi­bi­tion takes place in Kuusa­mo, Kaa­mos­gal­le­ria in Sep­tem­ber. The second exhi­bi­tion is in Octo­ber, and it will take place at the libra­ry of Nur­mi­jär­vi. They have a gal­le­ry cal­led Gal­le­ria Ville.

Raimo Jaatinen


Ima­ge: Suvi Forssén

An artist´s sta­te­ment by Rai­mo Jaatinen

My artist´s career has not been any straight line or one path, but rat­her a lin­ka­ge of three dif­fe­rent paths:

1. teac­hing of visual arts in dif­fe­rent schools,

2. wor­king as a bronze cas­ter, and

3. crea­ting my own art  -  sculp­tu­res, drawings, pho­tos,  ins­tal­la­tions etc.

Read the full statement »



tel. 050 511 3625

Ait­ta­kal­lion­tie 231
01860 Pert­tu­la

An artist’s statement by Raimo Jaatinen

My artist´s career has not been any straight line or one path, but rat­her a lin­ka­ge of three dif­fe­rent paths:

1. teac­hing of visual arts in dif­fe­rent schools,

2. wor­king as a bronze cas­ter, and

3. crea­ting my own art  -  sculp­tu­res, drawings, pho­tos,  ins­tal­la­tions etc.

I have now more time for the third cate­go­ry, because I alrea­dy draw a pen­sion (since 2013). Befo­re I was all the time so busy with other tasks that I too sel­dom had an oppour­tu­ni­ty to concent­ra­te only on my crea­ti­ve work.

But I don´t regret the past and the other acti­vi­ties in my life. Teac­hing and cas­ting have been an impor­tant source of inco­me for me, and also I feel that the­se acti­vi­ties have impro­ved my capaci­ty as an artist.

Whi­le wor­king as a teac­her I have adop­ted a lot of crea­ti­ve atti­tu­de and skills from my talen­ted stu­dents. Making casts for other artist has impro­ved my tech­nical skills which I have been able to bene­fit in my own art.


My works of art can also be divi­ded in three cate­go­ries. The first one inclu­des almost nai­ve, humo­ris­tic small sculp­tu­res, which can depict for ins­tance hap­py fat ladies or fun­ny animals.

The second line is total­ly dif­fe­rent, because it inclu­des not only sculp­tu­res cast in bronze, but also ins­tal­la­tions and mixed media works, which can com­ment the unjust treat­ment and exploi­ta­tion of indi­vi­duals, war, racism and some other hard subjects.

The third one is the sec­tion of the public works, inclu­ding also some reli­gious sub­jects like sta­tues of angels in cemeteries.

My next exhi­bi­tion takes place in Kuusa­mo, Kaa­mos­gal­le­ria in Sep­tem­ber. The second exhi­bi­tion is in Octo­ber, and it will take place at the libra­ry of Nur­mi­jär­vi. They have a gal­le­ry cal­led Gal­le­ria Ville.


Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design, depart­ment of art peda­go­gics,  Helsinki

One semes­ter at the Aca­de­my of Fine Arts in Cracow (Poland)

Group exhibitions

44 exhi­bi­tions since 1973

Works in collections

The Fin­nish Natio­nal Museum

Tam­pe­re Art Museum, Tam­pe­re, Finland

The Sta­te of Finland

The Bri­tish Museum

Slo­vac­ke Muzeum, Uherské Hra­dis­te, Czech Republic

The most recent in Finland

Exhi­bi­tion of art teac­hers group, Gal­le­ry Bre­mer, 2013

The Black Sun, sculp­tu­res of Rai­mo Jaa­ti­nen, Nata­lia Pozd­niak and Alex Suomi

Gal­le­ry Later­na Magica, Hel­sin­ki, 2013

Aqua­rel­les and sculp­tu­res of Aulik­ki Nuka­la, Mar­jat­ta Pänt­tä­jä and Rai­mo Jaatinen

Cul­tu­re House Polee­ni, Piek­sä­mä­ki, 2012

Van­taa Sculp­tu­re Park, Van­taa, 2011

The annual exhi­bi­tion of the Union of Fin­nish Art Associations

Mik­ke­li Art Museum, 2008

The most important international exhibitions

Exhi­bi­tions of Féde­ra­tion Inter­na­tio­na­le de la Médail­le d’Art (FIDEM)

Lon­don 1992

Buda­pest 1994

Neuc­ha­tel (Switzer­land) 1996

The Hague 1998

Wei­mar (Ger­ma­ny) 2000

Paris 2002

Seixal (Portugal)2004

Colo­ra­do Spring s(USA) 2007

Tam­pe­re (Fin­land) 2010

Ghent 2016

Atelier and foundry

Ait­ta­kal­lion­tie 321
01860 Perttula
